High quality, high reach and traditional window cleaning services
Guttering, facia and soffit cleaning
Service includes:
Clearing your guttering of debris
Cleaning the guttering
Cleaning the facia boards
Cleaning the soffit beneath the facia
Cleaning all downpipes
Its simple - we price gutter cleaning and clearing at £48 per 6m. (6m being the average width of a 3 bed semi detached property) For guttering at 2nd floor eaves height add 50%, and at 3rd floor height add 100% (double the price.) The maximum height that we can reach is 4th floor eaves.
Gable ends are priced depending on size and height - £12 > £30
Smaller gables above dormer windows are priced according to their size £7.50 > £15
Includes cleaning out the debris from your guttering
Includes cleaning the guttering, facia and the soffits
To give yourself a close estimate of your quote count the number of meters of guttering to be cleaned, divide this by 6 and then times the number by £48
We will confirm the price when we come to clean the guttering before we start work
If your property is larger than average or of an unusual design get in touch and we'll arrange a quote at a time that suits you.
Clean only is £36 per 6 m.
All prices are inclusive of VAT.
(Use the contact form below)
Guttering clearance only
We can clear your guttering of debris without cleaning if you wish and this is priced at £36 per 6m. For guttering at 2nd floor eaves height add 50%, and at 3rd floor height add 100%. The maximum height that we can reach is 4th floor eaves.
Includes cleaning out the debris from your guttering
To give yourself a close estimate of your quote count the number of meters of guttering to be cleared, divide this by 6 and then times the number by £36.
We will confirm the price when we come to clear the guttering before we start work
If your property is larger than average or of an unusual design get in touch and we'll arrange a quote at a time that suits you.
All prices are inclusive of VAT.
(Use the contact form on our front page )
Professional Window Cleaning Services